
The Georgetown Layman’s Evangelistic Club, chartered in 1945, began the Pawleys Island House of Worship in 1947.  The Club had 15 active members and was deactivated in 1965.

The marshland on which the Chapel stands was donated by Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Porter, who owned property across the street.  The deed included a condition that the property may be used “for the sole and only purposes of religious worship”.  The building was a vacated Pentecostal Holiness Church in Georgetown that was dismantled and rebuilt on the Island lot.

Mr. J.M. Layton of Georgetown, and a member of the Evangelistic Club, was a summer resident of Pawleys Island and owned Layton Real Estate on Pawleys, took care of the Chapel and maintained the operation of the Chapel during the summer months.  Several ministers and laymen from Georgetown took care of the Sunday services. 

Mr. Layton retired in 1970 and Linwood Altman, in an agreement, took responsibility for the Chapel in exchange for the purchase of the realty company, which became Pawleys Island Realty Company.  The Chapel became a family endeavor with a local board of trustees. 

The Chapel drew from summer student ministers from Duncan Methodist Church in Georgetown.  Currently outstanding ministers from many states, as well as local ministers, hold interdenominational services in the Chapel during the summer months.  Visiting and local vocalists and musicians provide special music each Sunday.

In 1971 the Chapel Board of Directors agreed to let the Pawleys Island Civic Association meet in the Chapel in exchange for a donation of $750 which was used for carpet and removing a partition in the small chapel that enclosed two Sunday School classrooms that were no longer used.  Sunday attendance increased from approximately 25 to over 100, currently over 200 attend each Sunday.

From 1971 to 1985 the Catholic congregation used the Chapel each Sunday for Mass.  Other religious organizations have used the Chapel over the years.  The first recorded wedding in the Chapel was held in 1971.  Now there are an average of 25 weddings annually. Weddings can be held from September-May.   The Chapel has also been used for a number of christenings and memorial services.

In 1995, a disagreement arose between the Town of Pawleys Island Administrators and the Chapel Board over the use of the Chapel.  Both requested that the property heir transfer whatever interest he had in the marshland on which the Chapel was built to their respective interests.  The heir elected to transfer a quit-claim deed to the Town.  This gave them no control of the building, or control of the Chapel.  The following administration transferred the Town’s interest to the Chapel.

The Bible, cushioned chairs, and all furnishings have been donated as memorials or honorariums.  Many summer residents and locals have generously supported the Chapel through the years. 

The Chapel survived two major hurricanes – Hazel and Hugo.  There was severe damage after Hugo, but contributions from several hundred people and the Pawleys Island Rotary financed its restoration.

After surviving Hurricanes Joachim, Matthew and Irma, new chairs, hymnals and a piano were purchased.  In 2018, the pilings underneath the Chapel were replaced, the building was moved across the street during this time and moved back when completed. The building was leveled and new carpeting and a roof was installed.